5.3. Localization of molecular orbitals

In general, the localization algorithm optimizes some localization function by orthogonal transformation of the orbitals. Given orbitals \(\vert i \rangle\), the localized orbital \(\vert \tilde{i} \rangle\) can be obtained by some transformation

\[\vert \tilde{i} \rangle = \sum_k \vert k \rangle \exp(-\mathbf{\kappa})_{ki},\]


\[\mathbf{\kappa} = \sum_{k > l} \kappa_{kl} (a^\dagger_k a_l - a^\dagger_l a_k)\]

and \(\kappa_{kl}\) is determined by the optimization of the localization function.

Many of the localization schemes, and thus the result of the localization, differ by the localization function. The localization function somehow measures the localization of the orbitals. So far, HORTON only supports the Pipek-Mezey localization. [pipek1989]

5.3.1. Pipek-Mezey localization

In the Pipek-Mezey scheme, the Pipek-Mezey localization function, \(D\), is maximized.

\[D = \sum_{i} \sum_{A \in \textrm{atoms}} (Q_{ii}^A)^2,\]

where \(\mathbf{Q}^A\) is the atomic population matrix. The atomic population matrix can be obtained from the overlap of the atomic basis, the expansion of the molecular orbitals from the atomic basis, the occupation of each molecular orbital, and some weighted projection of atomic basis function within each atom.

For example, if the Mulliken population analysis is used, the projectors are obtained through get_mulliken_operators(). Then the Pipek-Mezey localization function and the optimization are obtained through PipekMezey. Function call, __call__(), of this instance results in localization. Please see documentation in horton.localization.localization for more detail.

5.3.2. Example Python scripts Pipek-Mezey localization of restricted Hartree-Fock orbitals for the water molecule

This is a basic example on how to perform a Pipek-Mezey localization in HORTON. This script performs a Pipek-Mezey localization for the water molecule using the cc-pVDZ basis set and Mulliken projectors.


from horton import *
## Set up molecule, define basis set ##########################################
# Use the XYZ file from HORTON's test data directory.
fn_xyz = context.get_fn('test/water.xyz')
mol = IOData.from_file(fn_xyz)
obasis = get_gobasis(mol.coordinates, mol.numbers, 'cc-pvdz')
## Define Occupation model, expansion coefficients and overlap ################
lf = DenseLinalgFactory(obasis.nbasis)
occ_model = AufbauOccModel(5)
orb = lf.create_expansion(obasis.nbasis)
olp = obasis.compute_overlap(lf)
## Construct Hamiltonian ######################################################
kin = obasis.compute_kinetic(lf)
na = obasis.compute_nuclear_attraction(mol.coordinates, mol.pseudo_numbers, lf)
er = obasis.compute_electron_repulsion(lf)
external = {'nn': compute_nucnuc(mol.coordinates, mol.pseudo_numbers)}
terms = [
    RTwoIndexTerm(kin, 'kin'),
    RDirectTerm(er, 'hartree'),
    RExchangeTerm(er, 'x_hf'),
    RTwoIndexTerm(na, 'ne'),
ham = REffHam(terms, external)
## Perform initial guess ######################################################
guess_core_hamiltonian(olp, kin, na, orb)
## Do a Hartree-Fock calculation ##############################################
scf_solver = PlainSCFSolver(1e-6)
scf_solver(ham, lf, olp, occ_model, orb)
## Define Mulliken projectors #################################################
mulliken = get_mulliken_operators(obasis, lf)

## Pipek-Mezey localizaton ####################################################
loc = PipekMezey(lf, occ_model, mulliken)
## occupied block #############################################################
loc(orb, 'occ')
## virtual block ##############################################################
loc(orb, 'virt')