3.4.11. horton/gbasis/gbw.h – A four-center integral wrapper for the Cholesky code

#include <gbw.h>

A wrapper around a four-center integral implementation that is suitable for a Cholesky algorithm.

Public Functions

GB4IntegralWrapper::GB4IntegralWrapper(GOBasis *gobasis, GB4Integral *gb4int)

Construct the wrapper.

  • gobasis -

    A Gaussian basis set for which the four-center integrals are to be computed.

  • gb4int -

    A definition/implementation of a four-center integral.

long GB4IntegralWrapper::get_nbasis()

The number of basis functions.

void GB4IntegralWrapper::select_2index(long index0, long index2, long *pbegin0, long *pend0, long *pbegin2, long *pend2)

Select a pair of shells to which a pair of basis indexes belong.

The output of this function is also stored internally for the next call to the compute method.

  • index0 -

    The first basis index.

  • index2 -

    The third basis index. (Physicist notation!)

  • pbegin0 -

    Output argument. The begin of the range for the first shell.

  • pend0 -

    Output argument. The end (non-inclusive) of the range for the first shell.

  • pbegin2 -

    Output argument. The begin of the range for the third shell. (Physicist notation!)

  • pend2 -

    Output argument. The end (non-inclusive) of the range for the third shell. (Physicist notation!)

void GB4IntegralWrapper::compute()

Compute four-center integrals for the slices selected with the select_2index method.

void GB4IntegralWrapper::compute_diagonal(double *diagonal)

Compute the (double) diagonal of the four-index object. This is usually needed in the initialization of a Cholesky algorithm.

  • diagonal -

    The output array to which the result is written (size=nbasis*basis).

double *GB4IntegralWrapper::get_2index_slice(long index0, long index2)

Get a slice from the four-center integral computed with the last call to the compute method.

  • index0 -

    The first index of the slice. (Absolute indexes, not relative within the currently selected shell.)

  • index2 -

    The third index of the slice. (Physicist notation!) (Absolute indexes, not relative within the currently selected shell.)

Private Functions

void GB4IntegralWrapper::compute_shell(long ishell1, long ishell3)

Compute four-center integrals for a quadruplet of shells (defined by ishell0, ishell1, ishell2 and ishell3).

Private Members

GOBasis *GB4IntegralWrapper::gobasis
GB4Integral *GB4IntegralWrapper::gb4int
long GB4IntegralWrapper::max_shell_size
long GB4IntegralWrapper::slice_size
double *GB4IntegralWrapper::integrals
long GB4IntegralWrapper::ishell0
long GB4IntegralWrapper::ishell2
long GB4IntegralWrapper::begin0
long GB4IntegralWrapper::begin2